There is joy in being known…

I've always known deep down I am a writer.  When I was a young girl I would spend hours constructing little books out of stickers, magazines, and lots of colors!  I would create little stories with lessons of love and friendship- anything I thought would be enjoyable but also teachable to a fellow child such as me.  I treasured my books by keeping them all together in a box and pulling them out to read to anyone with an ear to listen!  Those who loved me most would generously lend me their time and let me read the same stories to them over and over AND OVER again.  Despite many misspelled words, scratched out doodles, right to left letters, and binders being stapled on the wrong side- I didn't seem to care that others would also see these mistakes.  I simply was proud of the time that I had invested in my little stories and loved reading, sharing, and laughing over them with those around me.

Somewhere along my life this attitude changed as I began caring what others thought.  I never stopped writing but soon storybooks became personal journals that were never to be shared.  The spirit of comparison and criticism made sharing my stories a burden because of the overwhelming amount of time it would take to make them perfect for public sharing. Fear of failure became a loud voice in my head, and the more I listened to it the less faith I had in my talent.

Over time I accumulated entire drawers and shelves of personal journals- the writer in me couldn’t help myself! A perfect day consisted of nature, coffee, a book and a few blank lined pages. But something was missing. Not sharing my writing also meant not sharing a certain joy that happens when someone takes the time to read it.

My memories of childhood writing not only contained the hours of labor I spent alone creating, but also the moments I spent with another celebrating… sitting on a grandparent’s lap reading and laughing at my mistakes or the long sticky note I received from a teacher praising my homework assignment as a “joy to read”. The perfect and the imperfect projects were both a point of connection.

I am very tempted to try and formalize some sort of “mission statement” for you describing the exact identity of this blog and where it is heading, but I have to tell you that there isn’t one. This site is simply a space where I can once again write little stories and share them with anyone around who will listen; except this time they will be MY life lessons of love and friendship.

I consider this site my playground. One day monkey bars, next day sandbox. One day a personal testimony, next day a humorous poem. But the constant theme will not only be discovering my calling as a writer, but also discovering my highest calling… as a child of God. To once again have the trust of a child to just be me- the "as I am right now" or I guess you could say the "unedited rough draft" version.

It is my heart that as you read and watch my journey, you too can say bye to comparison, criticism or fear of failure and just be you! Together let’s open our journals and experience the joy of being known AND loved not only by each other, but the Creator of our creative giftings and the Author of our stories.

How to navigate this site..

My Story- Revelation 19:10, “…Worship God. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” As I worship through my writing and testify what Jesus has personally done for me, you will read and know that He will do it for you too!

Holy Momma- 1 Peter 1:15-16, “…For Scripture says: ‘You are to be holy, because I am holy.’” Motherhood offers many opportunities to press into Jesus! It is one of the greatest examples of pure love, as well as a surest way to experience the purification process. These writings explore the lessons of love I am learning through being a mom.

Loving Labor- Hebrews 12:2, “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the JOY set before Him He endured the cross…”. Don’t hate me when I say this but I LOVE labor! I believe the curse of painful childbearing was broken on the cross and have received the blessing labor can be when we go into it with a joyful attitude. It is my heart to help other women imagine their own blessed labor through reading my experiences.

“Toilet Talks”- Romans 12:12, “…Don’t give up in a time of trouble, but commune with God at all times.” I was devastated after having my first child when I realized that the mornings of two hour coffee and devotions were over. But Jesus taught me that I no longer needed to restrict Him to an appointment. I learned to commune with Him anywhere and anytime…even on the toilet! These writings are my God “downloads” and tend to be shorter (not necessarily simpler) than the rest. I pray as you read them, you will learn to tune into His voice too. He’s always speaking!

Wife & Death- John 15:12, “So this is my command: Love each other deeply, as much as I have loved you.” It’s that simple. Jesus DIED for me so that I could love my spouse deeply. My vows read “til death do us part…” but they should have read “today and tomorrow and the day after that… I die for you!”

Pocket Prayers- Romans 10:17, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” & Numbers 14:28, “ ‘But say to them’ , declares the Lord, ‘As I live, what you have said in My hearing I will do to you.” Declaring scripture OUT LOUD is an essential part of my life. It is a practice that reminds both myself AND God of His promises for me and my loved ones. These writings are not my own, but rather the Word of God rewritten to apply specifically to my life. And yours too! Each entry will include a downloadable prayer that you can print and use or “put in your pocket” for future reference.

Be Our Guest- 1 Thessalonians 5:10-11, “He gave his life for us so that we may share in resurrection life in union with him… Because of this, encourage the hearts of your fellow believers and support one another…”. We rise by lifting others. God has blessed me with so many quality relationships and beautiful people in my life, and through these writings I would like to share their stories with you! It is not my intention for this online journal to focus on me, but to honor God first and then you.