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Welcome to my open journal! Together let’s discover the joy of being known.

Tragic Thinking

Tragic Thinking

2 Corinthians 10:5 (TPT)

“We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God.  We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One.”

As a mother, have you ever found your imagination getting a little out of control?  You leave your baby in their swing bundled and buckled all secure but the second you leave the room the device has somehow catapulted them across the air and onto the hard floor like a little helpless “angry bird”.  Or how about the time that you left your child in the car for one minute to run inside and grab the keys (that you always seem to forget), but when you came back the car engine had spontaneously combusted and is now up in flames!

I found myself exhausted by these visions since the day we brought our first newborn home from the hospital and wondered if we had buckled her in the car seat correctly.  I didn’t realize that the battle against fear didn’t end at labor.  Although many people warned me, “Once you have children you will always worry about them no matter how old they get.”  And in a world where everything we own is covered in a giant warning label and all we have to do to learn of traumatic events is flip on the television, it’s no wonder we have bought into this lie of tragic thinking.

But today I say “No”!  According to the Word we have the power to not politely ask these thoughts to leave but to “DEMOLISH” them.

Merrimack Webster’s Dictionary definition of “demolish”:


B: to break to pieces: SMASH

2. A: to do away with: DESTROY

B: to strip of any pretense of merit or credence

The enemy of our souls gives us flashing images of our most loved little people being destroyed because this is what we are supposed to be doing to him.  he bombards us with fear because he is in fact afraid we might realize our authority against him.  This is why they are called “deceptive fantasies”.

Not only are we able to be victorious over these thoughts, but we are responsible to.  According to the scripture we just read it is actually an arrogant attitude to believe that we have reason to fear.  It was the enemies arrogance that got him kicked out of the presence of the Lord and there is nothing the enemy would like more than to take us out with him.  Fear opposes and defies God because His character, who He is, is Love.  Fear is like a magnet that attracts the kingdom of darkness.  True knowledge of God results in faith (the opposite of fear) and attracts the kingdom of light.  When we truly realize deep in our soul the extent to which our Father has gone to prove His security and protection over us, then we can live freely without fear. 

The One who watched His own child suffer for the saving of the world, is surely watching over mine.  

Yes we are in a war.  But we are not the prisoners…our fearful, anxious, and worrisome thoughts are.  If we are going to be obedient to the One we call Lord, then our thoughts must be obedient.  We love when our children obey us because it means they trust us.  This is why God loved Jesus so, because He was the only one truly obedient to His Heavenly Father.  And the fulfillment of His obedience all the way to the cross, is what empowers me to have this same trust.  

The Anointed One who TORE DOWN the temple veil is asking me to TEAR DOWN any thought that separates me from my Loving Father.

The Anointed One who was tortured on the cross but had NO BONE BROKEN is asking me to BREAK TO PEICES any thought that says He is not for me and my family.

The Anointed One, the only one who is worthy of praise, allowed Himself to be STRIPPED DOWN so that I have the ability to be LIFTED UP and unburdened from my fears.

So today I decide, the cross is enough proof for me. 

My child was on the mind of Christ as He hung naked on that tree and has never left the forefront of His mind ever since. 

I choose to replace these fear fantasies with the true reality of Love.  Fear can not conquer me because the Lord already has!  My attention goes to the One whose thoughts towards me and my family outnumber every grain of sand on the earth and whose plans for us are good.  

Who wants to practice with me Mommas?! Repeat with me…

“I choose as an act of my will to have the mind of Christ- His thoughts AND His imagination.  I do not accept worry as a side effect of motherhood.  Now is the season to start blessed thinking, hopeful thinking, and expectant thinking. All in the name of Jesus.” 

Scripture for further reading: Romans 5:1-2,5 (TPT),  Psalms 139:16-18 (NIV), Psalms 23:4 (TPT), 1 Corinthians 2:16 (NLT), Psalms 25:21 (TPT)

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