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Welcome to my open journal! Together let’s discover the joy of being known.

When God Wants to Garden

When God Wants to Garden

My daughter, if you find yourself stuck in a cycle of judgement, put on your gloves and grab your shovel- We are going to do some gardening!

Judgement feeds on hatred.

Hatred feeds on hurt.

Hurt feeds on fear.

Fear feeds on your soul until a chasm of separation lies where you once trusted Me.

We need to pull these weeds by the root so they have no right to keep growing.

My Love you are the garden I delight in tending to.

In you I both plant and I pluck.

I am not intimidated by a few weeds like you think I am.

My bother of the weeds is the space they occupy- the cluttering. The resources and energy those weeds drain from my precious garden. Even the smallest weed at the surface steals the largest space underground.

This is why I care about your behavior less than you think I do.

There is a time when habit is important, but never more than heart. I am a God who sees underneath the soil and finds pleasure in getting My hands dirty. Sending My Son to the dirt We once created was a messy business, but what gardener expects his plot to grow overnight? No, the promised land is never conquered in a day.

But I Am jealous, possessive even, of My territory… And you are Mine!

My presence requires the removal of sin but aches for the company of you. This is why the only righteous hatred is My hatred of the lie of separation. The requirement has already been made for your return! My Love I call you to repentance not to remove you but to refresh you!

This season of uprooting that I have you in is not because I am in judgement of your garden. Far from it! I am perfectly comfortable and at home in your garden. From the budding botanical to the arid desert- I see them both fruitful when they are watered by the blood of My Son, My Eden.

The seed of the gospel, though planted in you long ago, has only just surfaced. In My kingdom the smallest seeds grow into the largest faith. So be careful not to pluck that sprout. It may seem a foreign weed at first but believe Me when I say that My closeness will always seem too good to be true. Never mistake what is too good to be understood as what is too good to be true. This is the budding of the good news… the best news… I Am WITH YOU.

My daughter did you know that you’ve been welcomed back? The gates are open! The tree of life has fruit for you- come enjoy! Enter into peace and comfort, singing and joy! My fruit IS you. YOU are My pleasure, My Eden.

So let’s go pluck those weeds.

We’ll do it together!

I am not too proud to get on My knees with you.

My only pride IS YOU.

So let’s go pluck those weeds.

We’ll do it together!

Judgement, hatred, hurt and fear,

none of these belong in you My Dear.

Perfect Love is at hand so make room,

today We pluck weeds- tomorrow We bloom!

Isaiah 51:3, “The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; He will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.”

SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Deuteronomy 11:10-12, Isaiah 61:10-11, Matthew 13, Luke 13:19, Acts 3:19 TPT, Song of Songs 5:1

To read about the beginning of the Lord speaking to me through His flowers, click here: https://www.joyfullyjournaling.com/home/we-are-about-to-bloom

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