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Welcome to my open journal! Together let’s discover the joy of being known.

We Are About to Bloom!

We Are About to Bloom!

I stood in front of the mirror and observed the fit of my new blouse. It was a pink chiffon material with a pattern of blush and purple wildflowers, and something about it just resonated with my soul. The past year I had been purchasing anything with colorful blooming buds and filling both my house and wardrobe with them. I had been OBSESSED with floral patterns; to the point where my husband begged, “Please babe not THAT bedspread!”

Last year the obsession had been army print. As I discovered the world of spiritual warfare, I desired the green army print pants and golden arrow earrings that reminded me of the warrior princess I was. The year prior I was passionate about the color purple. A shade of color that had never interested me before in my 25+ years of life, now excited me as I accepted my identity as part of the royal bloodline… the daughter of the King of Kings!

Thinking about this yearly trend made me question- I wonder if this obsession with flowers correlates with any new identity discoveries?


He stated it with such giddiness that I felt my spirit leap. With His words there was also a deposit of joy and excitement. Like I didn’t even know, and could never comprehend, the vast amount of goodness coming for me. Even as I write this journal entry I can feel the intensity of His statement and am finding it hard to state in words. I knew I would have to wait and watch how this prophecy unfolded (no pun intended), but the wonder was perfectly satisfying!

Fast forward a few months from receiving this promise and the giddiness and excitement has faded. I find myself in the middle of a strange hour of history where “blooming” actually looks like testing and refining from the confounds of my own home. Life feels less wondrous and more mundane… make another meal and go for another walk.

Having been “staycationing” in my home for a few weeks now, my kids and I have spent almost every day exploring outside. Two weeks ago all of my potted flowers and vines still had the ugly brown tint of winter but suddenly they are all blooming vibrant colors. Even the cacti we pass by on our morning walks surprised us with gorgeous yellow blossoms. Flowers seemed to have appeared overnight and are now everywhere.

This made me think of how much different God’s perspective is than mine.

In God’s eyes my growth is not a slow painful process but a beautiful unfolding progress. Even when my life feels repetitive, it is beautiful in His sight!

He is always working, always moving… in me. Though life has slowed down there has been a quickening in my spirit. And I think this is something God is doing in all of His children. God is on the move… IN US!

In the current situation the world is in, we can all receive the encouragement that beauty is shortly ahead of us. Perhaps you identified with the picture of the cactus a little too strongly and this time of being constricted to your home may feel very rough and uncomfortable. Life maybe feels less like a garden and more like a desert… dry, dull or flat out unpleasant. But God is saying “wait- see what I see! The fruit is coming!”

Whether we are being affected financially, spiritually, relationally or all of the above; the waiting part can seem especially lengthy without our normal rhythms and routines to pass the time by. But His work on the deep soil of our hearts is purposeful because we are valuable.

Proverbs 11:28 says, “Keep trusting in your riches and down you’'ll go! But the lovers of God RISE UP like Flowers in the spring.”

In the natural spring’s end is only a month away, but in the spiritual spring is ahead of us. The most beautiful season is just around the corner! Winter hibernation will end and we will rise!

Notice how the flowers as they grow their faces are tilted up towards the sun? That is us! The Lovers of God! We focus not on the events of uncertainty happening around us but on the Son of God. And as we stretch and reach towards Him the world will see tall beautiful flowers blooming everywhere!

When this storm passes and the gentle spring season comes (and it will), people will notice our bright colors and fragrant scent. They will notice that God has blessed us and protected us. They will notice that He has divinely and supernaturally taken care of us SO THAT we can take care of others!

So if you are worried today… about anything… watch the process of the flowers blooming below. Take a deep breathe. And tell Him you trust Him.

Thank you to Next Observer for this beautiful collection of various types of flowers blooming.

To continue this journey of the Lord speaking to me through His flowers, click here: https://www.joyfullyjournaling.com/home/the-rest-of-the-lilly

The Rest of the Lilly

The Rest of the Lilly

Thankfulness: The Key to Surrender

Thankfulness: The Key to Surrender