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Welcome to my open journal! Together let’s discover the joy of being known.

The Rest of the Lilly

The Rest of the Lilly

My sweet daughter, it is my desire that you live carefree in the care of Me. You live in a time and place of my provision where you never need to worry about clothing on your back or food in your belly, yet that lurking anxiety still tries to wiggle its way into your soul. You do not fear that you will starve in the natural, but you fear that your spirit won’t be fed.  You do not fear going naked, but you fear vulnerability.

This is a tactic of the enemy to get you to worry about abstract things; things that can’t be measured but lurk beneath the surface. But do not fret about this, because I am doing a secret work there.

For three months a Lilly is hidden in the darkness of the earth as a bulb. No one sees it’s growth, but I do. And I have planted it there with all confident intention of seeing it’s development til full bloom. I find my joy and pleasure in providing everything it needs so that in my perfect timing the Lilly will emerge from darkness and into light. Sound familiar?

For three days My Son was hidden in the deepest darkness, waiting on Me to cause Him to rise. Because of His obedience to accomplish the work, now Our Spirit tends to all those that look to Him. Mary Magdalene was in fact correct when she thought Jesus was the gardener! Oh Mary- what a fragrant flower she is!

Just as Mary was sobbing instead of rejoicing, you are not meant to be overwhelmed by darkness but overshadowed by love so that even in the valleys you grow.

Love is on your side!

Not only do I provide your health and security, but your growth and maturity are also in My hands. 

You do not become beautiful by working hard or striving, but seeking meaning and safety from Me alone.

I see beauty right now in the dirt covered bud. And I call you pure and clean.

Just as the emblem of the Lilly was engraved on the pillar of Soloman’s temple, I have engraved the word “pure” as an emblem on your soul.

Be still.

Trust me when I say it is well with you.

Repent of and release of your struggle…then receive My care and rest.

For you are my favorite fragrant flower… My Lilly.

Scripture for further reading: Luke 12:22-27 (TPT), Song of Solomon 2:1-1 (TPT), Hosea 14:5 (NLT), Psalms 40:1-6 (TPT), John 20:11-17 (TPT)

To read about the beginning of the Lord speaking to me through His flowers, click here: https://www.joyfullyjournaling.com/home/we-are-about-to-bloom

Choose FUN

Choose FUN

We Are About to Bloom!

We Are About to Bloom!