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Welcome to my open journal! Together let’s discover the joy of being known.

The Perfect Mess

The Perfect Mess

On the night that Jesus was born…

Did the young couple feel shame or even anger?

when in their hometown there was “no room in the inn” 

next to those who once called them brother or sister or friend. 

Maybe they felt frustrated or misunderstood?

trying to be a united team on a very important mission 

when they hardly knew each other, hadn’t yet “become one”.

Did Joseph feel like a failure?

 when all he could provide for his bride was a birth room 

filled with the animals he was commanded to reign over.

Or perhaps he felt anxiety and nervousness? 

when he realized he would be closely attending an event 

that he had only ever known as a space “men were not permitted”.

Did Mary feel shock and panic?

when the conception of the babe had occurred unexpectedly without knowing, 

but the birth of the babe required intensity that could not be ignored.

Did she feel inadequacy or naiivety?

when the hard work was done, her savior was born 

but cried through the night still, though she needed Him he needed her now.

All these details I can not be certain but are sweet to imagine.

Sweet to remember that the man and woman who got to touch and hold my Lord first were real parents too.

Real parents with real fears and real doubts.

They didn’t know then that they were participating in THE STORY. 

And that encourages me.

When there is chaos or confusion, hardship or discomfort, even suffering and pain…

I can look at my life and say “GOD IS IN THIS.”

And when those out of control feelings show up in me or my husband or my children…

I can look at us and say “GOD IS IN US.”

And THAT is the beauty of today.

On the night that Jesus was born HE WAS THE ONLY ONE who foreknew every detail

And said YES TO THIS MESS!!! 

There’s only one perfect parent.

And I’m so grateful to Jesus that we have HIM!

When God Wants to Garden

When God Wants to Garden

Motherhood: The Joy of Unwrapping the Gift.

Motherhood: The Joy of Unwrapping the Gift.