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Welcome to my open journal! Together let’s discover the joy of being known.

Motherhood: The Joy of Unwrapping the Gift.

Motherhood: The Joy of Unwrapping the Gift.

It was a thing in my house growing up that at birthdays or Christmas there would always be one gift that was a challenge to unwrap. We would tear off a layer of wrapping paper only to find another layer of wrapping paper. We would get through all the layers of paper only to find the box was duck taped. We would cut through the duck tape only to find there was a smaller box to cut through. Ten minutes later we’d still be anticipating what was inside that box!

The work of getting to the gift only made it more exciting. When it took us longer to unwrap the gift, we knew the gift inside was one of the most special ones. An item we probably had at the top of our wish list and had been waiting to recieve! I’ve found this concept to be true in my life as I’ve grown and experienced real life “gifts”…

Salvation is a gift.  Being a disciple takes discipline.

Marriage is a gift.  Relationship requires resilience.

Destiny is a gift.  Fulfilling that calling means commitment.

Motherhood is a gift.  Raising children is a challenge.

Type the words “worth doing” and “take time” in a google search and you will find quote upon quote of why these two verb phrases go together…

Theodore Roosevelt, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.”

Oscar Wilde, “If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well. If it is worth having, it is worth waiting for. If it is worth attaining, it is worth fighting for. If it is worth experiencing, it is worth putting aside time for.”

If you want a simpler summary take a quote from a rapper… Mos Def, “All the things that are worth doing, take time.”

Yet how easy it can be to forget this when we are in the middle of it!

Many of us dream our whole lives of becoming mothers then are shocked when we realize that the dedication of motherhood will require of us our very life:

  • Our bodies are prepped for self sacrifice in pregnancy.

  • We labor to birth babies.

  • We are then on call 24/7 to keep them alive.

  • And when they finally become a little self sufficient, it’s time to character train!

Unlike birthdays or holidays, motherhood is an all consuming job. And while not every stage of raising children requires the same demands, it’s a lifetime commitment. After each season of success we are greeted with a new season to adjust to. And that can be overwhelming, even burdensome, if we forget to remember that motherhood is all about receiving the gift.

In every season that there is a new “got to” to tackle, there is also a new “get to” to enjoy:

  • During pregnancy, we get to be the first ones to connect with our child when they kick their little feet in our womb. 

  • After the hard work of labor we get to be flooded with love hormones when we hold him/her on our chest for the first time.

  • As we nurse them in the night, we get to experience this miraculous bond with our beautiful baby.

  • As they grow character training can be wearisome, but with consistency we get to see confidence increase in them.

During all of these and the seasons beyond as well, I think the greatest “get to” is that we get to discover who our children are! Their unique laugh, temperament, preferences and talents placed in them waiting to be revealed at each and every stage of their life.

Motherhood is the work of the whole package and our children are the reward inside it.

Oh dear mother- whichever layer of unwrapping you are in, remember it’s a season worth celebrating!

Don’t let frustration ruin all the fun.

And remember that it’s a gift in your hands so don’t be careless- the box may read “Fragile”.

Neither be filled with shame. Wherever there’s an important package to be opened, there’s also a Father close by watching.

He’s smiling at you by the way.

The One who blessed you is there to help you. He’s ready to offer you the box cutter, scissors or keys… whichever grace you need.

It may be an encouraging podcast, laughter with a friend, a strong hug from your husband, or a promise from His Word…

“Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from Him.” Psalm 127:3

Since children are a gift from the Lord then let us find joy in unwrapping them!

The Perfect Mess

The Perfect Mess

