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Welcome to my open journal! Together let’s discover the joy of being known.

Rest is a Weapon

Rest is a Weapon

“You will sleep like a baby, safe and sound- your rest will be sweet and secure…because God is your confidence in times of crisis, keeping your heart at rest in every situation.” ~Proverbs 3:24

My Children are calling to Me for wisdom and discernment but they are not asking for MY REST.

The experiences that are meant to empower them are actually exhausting them.

As a result, there are two responses… self protect or self reflect.

Some are sleeping rather than resting. These are my children that want to hide from the world. They have a false sense of safety by narrowing their vision. While I expose injustice across the earth, isolation tempts to hinder both their compassion for others and their communion with Me.

Others are running ahead. Ready to change the world without, while neglecting to check the world within. I have ceased movement and slowed down work all across the world yet they refuse to relax. Anxiety is disguised as praiseworthy ambition and passionate pursuit.

Both of these needs, security and mission, are found only in submission to My love.

Hear me when I say- I am not ashamed or embarrassed of either child’s response, but passionate to restore the holy identity of My most precious sons and daughters.

Rest is not a special day. Rest is a special relationship.

Rest is the sign of Us… Me IN you and you IN Me.

Rest is the powerful testimony of your simple trust… confidence in your Creator rather than your crisis.

With this commission of rest, I am calling you to the position of the contented child…

The dreaming child who knows the undisturbed bliss of heavenly peace; who accepts dependance with the confidence that they are cared for.

The warfare response is to rest. Though a humble position, it is a mighty weapon.

SCRIPTURE REFERENCES: Psalms 116:1-7, Psalms 131, Proverbs 1:33, Proverbs 3:24, Song of Songs 4:5, Matthew 11:29, Hebrews 2:11

The Dream That Woke Me

The Dream That Woke Me