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Welcome to my open journal! Together let’s discover the joy of being known.

A Joy Filled Birth

A Joy Filled Birth

I pulled myself up into the lifted 4Runner with the help of my husband behind me.  “I can’t sit down.” I told him with concern in my voice.   He looked at me, understanding that what I was really telling him was “hurry”.  He placed a folded beach towel on my seat and shut the passenger door as quickly yet quietly as he could.  Only minutes earlier I had been peacefully laboring in my home when my water had broken on the floor of my daughter’s nursery and we had been informed that I was dilated to a nine.  Now everything was a rush.  My husband backed the car out of the driveway while simultaneously calling family members. My aunt/midwife led the way in the car ahead of us while calling the hospital to inform them a delivery room needed to be prepared.  My body embraced contractions that came repeatedly while filling every space of my being.

It was then that things got real intense.  Unable to sit down, I was squatting over the passenger chair and squeezing onto the handle bar above the door with both hands like it was the monkey bar in the middle. I was surfing every bump in the road or turn of the car, but the “waves” hit me again and again.  With each one I could feel my body pushing my baby lower and I couldn’t stop!  My body had taken over and my mind was racing to keep up.  “What if we didn’t get to the hospital in time?...  Were we going to be one of those families you hear about on the news?...  Would I know what to do if I had to give birth on the side of the road?...  Would my husband feel confident enough to catch her?...Is this really happening?”  Another contraction came that was so intense it answered my last question immediately. I felt the spirit of panic make my heart race and not knowing how to fight it I cried out for help, “Ohhh Jesuuuuus!”  I felt my husbands hand on my knee and he began to pray and take authority over the situation.  Peace and panic continued to fight their battle within me.

To hear the rest of Leilani’s labor story, click the link below! http://aheavenlywelcome.com/brittany-birth-in-gods-joy/

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Our God Doesn't Do Compromise

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